Membership Criteria

The Brokers & Reinsurance Markets Association cordially invites qualified reinsurance brokers and underwriting companies to join the roster of distinguished BRMA
members, drawn from the leading reinsurance broker channel in the United States.

Qualifications for membership are briefly summarized below. For more specific information, please contact BRMA 
at Post Office Box 813, New York, NY 10024, 847-720-3666, or email:

Qualifications for Brokers

The organization must be licensed as a reinsurance broker by the state of New York or substantially meet the qualifications thereof; have been in business in the U.S. for at least five (5) years; must not be an affiliate of a direct writing reinsurer; must be a U.S. domiciled company (incorporated or otherwise) organized in the U.S. and must not be majority owned or controlled by a foreign government; and must have a minimum net worth of $2.5 million.

Qualifications for Underwriting Companies

The organization must be engaged in general (non-life) reinsurance business; write treaty business for U.S. cedents
(excluding Crop Hail and Surety) principally through reinsurance brokers; must have a statutory policyholders’ surplus of not less than $50 million and net reinsurance premium volume of not less than $50 million; a Best’s rating of B+ or better, and if not rated shall have been in the business for at least 5 years; and must not be majority owned or controlled by a foreign government.